Free game to learn the multiplication tables with fun

Home of the Faster Numbers and other apps

Improve your math skills with fun

Faster Numbers – Free game

Improve your math skills. Learn the multiplication tables even better. The Faster Numbers app is for young and old. The sum slowly scrolls down and gives you time to click the right answer.

  • The tables of 1 till 10
  • The more correct answer, the higher your points
  • Can you beat your friends?
  • Click ‘Veriaty’ for different calculations
  • The Butterfly, Turtle and Elephant will help you along the way!

Download or install the free game now

For kids and grown-ups

Improve your skills and beat your score

Running the game daily, will improve your ‘mathematic automation’. You don’t have to calculate the sum, you just know it. That will help you in every day life!

20 Levels will help you to improve your math skills

Some levels will increase the strength of your animals


Improve your calculation speed

Free – no adds

This game will always be free. No adds. No tracking. No in-app purchases.

2x Powerful

Do it daily, and double your mathematical skills


Learn to add, multiplice and substract. Improve your math skils with fun!


User Feedback

Nice game, addictive!

Even my three kids love it!

I play it daily, I doubled my score. Highest score is now 7.364

(App User)

Animals to help you out

Three animals are there to help you:

  1. Elephant – moves the list up. Gives you more time to answer
  2. Butterfly – will answer questions
  3. Turtle – will slow the speed of the game down.

The Elephant can have three medals.

  1. Brons Elephant – pushes 3 rows up
  2. Silver Elephant – pushes 4 rows up
  3. Golden Elephant – pushes 5 rows up

The Butterfly can also have three medals:

  1. Brons Butterfly – answers 3 questions
  2. Silver Buttefly – answers 4 questions
  3. Golden Butteffly – answers 5 questions

The Turtle medals:

  1. The Brons Turtle slows the game by 70%
  2. The Silver Turtle slows by 60%
  3. The Golden Turtle slows by 50%!

Any other question not listed on the faq


Feel free to contact me through LinkedIn (Peter Koning)